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“So far technology has hardly changed formal education at all. But a lot of people, including me, think this is the next place where the Internet will surprise people in how it can improve things—especially in combination with face-to-face learning.”  Bill Gates

Information technology (IT) and the Internet have transformed people’s lives and access to education. Online education is a substitute for the classroom, with teaching delivered to students via computers or mobile devices. Even before the COVID-19 outbreak, online education has seen rapid development and use. Learners now have a wide variety of options in online education to gain new information and build skills. Two examples are language learning apps and virtual tutoring apps that reinforce or expand on a specific topic taught in the regular classroom. Webinars may be provided anywhere around the globe by employing video conferencing capabilities to broadcast an online synchronous class, seminar, or event.

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“Formal education makes you a living, self-education makes you a legend.” ― Habeeb Akande
The shift in the modern workforce and the loosening of ‘professionalism’ means that employers are now more flexible about the qualifications of their employees. This is especially true in industries where higher education is still essential in securing appropriate employment. Read More
“Online education is more effective compared to traditional education”  by Nicholas. G, Jorge. M (2017)
The Covid-19 pandemic resulted in empty classrooms and universities and a new teaching approach. As a result, we began learning online. However, it prompted us to consider classroom vs online learning. Which is superior? Millions of people have become acclimated to the new revolution, but many are still unsure which is superior: classroom or online learning. With the specific demand for and expansion of online learning, education can now be delivered remotely via various digital platforms. Read More

“Guided by the principle of Antyodaya, Recognition of Prior Learning in Higher Education is dedicated to empowering the poor, marginalized and those left behind in order to transform their quality of life and contribute meaningfully towards the nation’s economic progress (Raj Nehru).

RPL is a procedure that gives academic acknowledgement to both formal learning for recognised awards, informal learning through experience, and non-formal learning for uncertificated yet planned learning (e.g. uncertificated workshops/seminars). Learning from experience involves knowledge and skills gained unintentionally throughout life, frequently due to the learning demands of employment (both paid and unpaid). The term “previous” refers to learning that occurred in the past and is frequently used to refer to learning before beginning a course of study toward a certification.

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Transitioning from military service to civilian life can be a challenging and daunting experience, especially when it comes to employment. Military veterans often have a wealth of skills, experience, and knowledge, but they may struggle to translate these into the civilian job market. However, obtaining formal qualifications can help veterans overcome this barrier and propel their careers to new heights. In this case study, we will explore the benefits of obtaining formal qualifications after ADF service, the challenges veterans may face during this process, and strategies for success.

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