
Try A Fulfilling Career In Project Management

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Career In Project Management

Choosing to become a project manager can be the best decision you make. It might be your option if you are looking for a future-secure profession. With the demand for project managers on the rise, pursuing the field is a great idea. Although it requires great stress, it can be equally rewarding. To help you understand what to expect from a career in project management, we have prepared the ultimate post just for you. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s dive right in.

What Is It Like To Be A Project Manager?

As a project manager, you would handle one or multiple projects simultaneously. A great thing about the field is that you are unlikely to do the same thing weekly. There will be more stress on some days and less emphasis on others. This is what delivery management is all about. You will need to get all the tasks completed on time. Here’s what you can expect from a typical day.

10% of the Day – Reading Emails and Planning

The first thing you will do is check the emails and get updated. The earlier you arrive at work, the better. It will ensure that potential stressors do not prevent you later on. So, you have to create a plan for the entire day.

20% of the Day – Group Meetings

Once you have planned out the day, you will proceed with group meetings. This will ensure that everyone is on the same page. Besides, it is your job to prepare them for the day, confirm their assignments, and delegate activities. Hosting a scrum daily meeting is standard practice. Scrums are 15-minute meetings where everyone is present, and daily plans are iterated to save time and prevent mistakes.

40% of the Day – Managing People and Projects

Various soft skills are required daily to ensure success, as mentioned below.

  • Hiring new people
  • Attending conference calls
  • Other skills include motivating team members, diplomacy, and stakeholder management.

20% of the Day – Being on Top of Projects

As the first half of the day concludes, you ensure that every project is handled in the best way possible. This is why you must keep an eye on each project’s current status. You never know when problems could occur. Hence, you must be on top of everything and proceed with disaster management if needed.

10% of the Day – Relaxing

Lastly, you have to relax to keep going. There’s just so much that you can do. Taking time to unwind and process the day’s events is good practice. You could go for a walk, do some yoga, or meditate. Every successful project manager makes time to relax.

Study Project Management at 3CIR

If you are excited about a career in project management, all you need to do is enrol in our project management course. It will equip you with the necessary skills to succeed. Bring ideas to life and execute all types of plans. Our diploma will teach you how to manage competing priorities and meet deadlines. If you already have project management experience, you may be eligible for qualification through Recognition of Prior Learning. Fill out a free assessment to find out more.

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