
Using Online Study to Advance your Career

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Online Study

You may realise that you require additional education or training for a role at some point in your career. A specific qualification may be necessary for the higher-level career you desire, a certification may be required to perform a specific function, or you may need to upgrade your knowledge or skills to remain competitive. If you work full-time, you might wonder how you’ll find time to get to and attend classes, especially if you work late or have family obligations.

Thanks to technological advancements, you may now take classes online. Many certification classes and professional workshops are now available as webinars, as more institutions offer their whole programs online. Here’s how online learning can help you advance your profession while allowing you to continue your education.

You Can Continue to Work

There was a time when returning to school meant quitting your job or reducing your working hours, especially if you were enrolled in a full-time program. With online learning, you can attend class whenever it is convenient for you. You won’t have a work gap on your CV if you stay in your job.

Online Education Is Respected   

Employers value an online degree just as much as a degree received at a traditional university. They recognise that many employees receive education and training online with today’s technology advancements.

Online Learning Offers Time Savings and Flexibility

Online learning is a great option for those who want to save time and stress when commuting. You can sit at home on your computer connected to the internet without ever leaving! This type of education allows you to complete coursework in whatever period works best, thus saving yourself even more hassle than before while still getting quality courses completed around what fits job obligations and family schedule needs. In today’s world, we all have busy lives – there aren’t enough hours left after working hard every day just so that someone can care for themselves properly.

Online Courses Address Students’ Changing Needs

Colleges and universities are increasingly focusing on providing more career or market-driven courses, certifications, and degrees to fulfil the needs of adult students transitioning into new careers. Many colleges now offer single courses, certifications in new skill areas, or cutting-edge degrees in subjects that promise to be hot jobs in the future, such as medical information, green technology, and cyber security, for alumni who need to refresh their expertise.

Online Learning is More Affordable

Many online degree programs and courses are far less expensive than traditional brick-and-mortar universities. Through online education, you may find quality programs and courses from top-rated providers for a fraction of the cost.

You Can Still Find Networking Opportunities

You might be concerned that online learning doesn’t allow you to network, yet many online courses are built to allow real-time participation. Students can connect with classmates and teachers through video chatting and social media platforms like wikis and blogs.

You Can Apply What You’re Learning to Your Current Job

As you move through your online training, you’ll notice that you’re picking up new skills and best practices that you can instantly apply in your current position.

Online study at 3CIR

We provide a range of flexible online qualifications so you can study and still meet your personal and professional responsibilities. Our courses cover many industries, including WHS, Management, Project Management and HR, from Certificate III to the Diploma level. We want to see you succeed, and our fantastic online learning environment means you don’t miss out on virtual learning. Contact us today to find out how online learning can advance your career!

See a range of 3CIR videos, including Leadership, HR, WHS, Security, Business, Marketing, Government, Project Management and many more!!

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