
ASQA cancels registration of DIY Training Services

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ASQA cancels registration of DIY Training Services
17 March 2017

The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) advises that it has cancelled the registration of DIY Training Services Pty Ltd (RTO number 40740) as a provider of vocational education and training (VET) services.

ASQA – the national VET regulator – contends that the training provider has not operated consistently with the applicable requirements of the VET Quality Framework, which is a condition of registration.

In particular, ASQA found that:

  • learners did not have access to a suitable workplace, to undertake assessment tasks;
  • assessment tools did not met the requirements of the training package; and
  • assessment tools did not meet the Principles of Assessment and Rules of Evidence.

ASQA’s decision will take effect from 27 March 2017 unless the provider seeks a review of ASQA’s decision in the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT).

Review rights

Training providers subject to an adverse regulatory decision have the right to have the decision reviewed. A provider may, in certain circumstances, apply to have ASQA itself reconsider its decision.

In all cases, providers can apply to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) to have ASQA’s decision reviewed. More information about review options is available on the ASQA website.

During a review or reconsideration process, the provider may seek a stay of the decision or an extension of the date the decision takes effect which permits the provider to continue to operate until the review process is finalised.

The ASQA website contains up-to-date information on the status of any review processes. It is advisable to check the website to obtain current information concerning the status of regulatory decisions.

Read article from ASQA website

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