
Fast Track Your Qualification Via Recognition of Prior Learning

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Fast Track Your Qualification Via RPL

Fast Track Your Qualification Via RPL

Suppose you have the right skills and knowledge to qualify for a particular role, but your employer doesn’t recognise them without formal qualifications. In that case, it cannot be easy to find decent jobs. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is designed as an alternative way for individuals who already possess the necessary skill sets to attain formal education/employer recognition, which will help improve their resumes while giving lifelong opportunities through continuous learning mobility, social inclusion & helping those transitioning from military service or emergency services into civilian life.

As an assessment process, Recognition of Prior Learning looks into your relevant prior learning experience, whether formal, non-formal, or informal, to identify course credits. It can help you progress through qualifications and fast-track or eliminate study time based on previous experiences and knowledge. Recognition of Prior Learning is acknowledged by certain schools offering online courses in areas like business, work health and safety, security and risk management, marketing, human resources, project management, and much more. It can help you obtain the degree or qualification you need to advance in your profession, whether you’re taking a diploma, advanced diploma, graduate diploma, or any certification course. RPL eliminates the need to sit through classes and complete the course traditionally as long as you are qualified. This way, you can be certified, even without studying, or at least minimise the time required to complete a course.

Through Recognition of Prior Learning, you could improve your chance of getting the job you want or be on your way to a promotion. RPL can also be considered by experienced individuals currently employed but looking to advance in their careers by applying for a higher position in their industry or organisation.

See a range of 3CIR videos, including Leadership, HR, WHS, Security, Business, Marketing, Government, Project Management and many more!!

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