
Everything You Need to Know about Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Assessment Plan, Process, and Learning Methods

HomeBlogEverything You Need to Know about Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Assessment Plan, Process, and Learning Methods
Recognition of prior learning (RPL) vs formal study. Benefits and differences?

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Sometimes, people graduate from university and land a job in what they thought was their dream field, but it turns out to be the wrong choice. Parents and teachers encourage us to start thinking about what we’d like to do as adults from a young age, and sometimes, when we realise we should’ve done something different, it’s too late to make a change. However, it’s never too late to find a job in a different industry if you want to study. Thanks to your experience and transferable skills, earning qualifications might not take as long as you’d assume.

Sometimes, people have no choice but to switch careers, such as leaving the Army, Navy or Air Forces before retiring without enough savings to sustain a lifetime of spending. If you are in such a position and think you’ll have to settle for a low-paying job with few to zero career progression opportunities. In that case, you probably haven’t heard of the recognition of prior learning (RPL) assessment plan. RPL methods let people fast-track their learning based on the knowledge they possess from experience and previous job roles, meaning you can change careers without starting from square one.

At 3CIR, we offer to create an RPL assessment plan for those who wish to fast-track their learning due to the recognition of prior learning, and we provide a 25% discount on all our products to military personnel. We’ve helped thousands of ex-service people in Australia and New Zealand transition to new careers, and we can do the same for you, thanks to our years of experience and dedication to our clients. If you want to take the first steps towards improving your life, we’re the company to contact.

The RPL Assessment Process Explained

Why learn to be a residential property inspector when you already know what it takes? We can help those with experience and skills from the Army, Navy, Air Force or emergency services get back on their feet. All required for our FREE RPL assessment form to tailor your plan is your current abilities, so we don’t waste time learning material they’re already up-to-date in!

After receiving your completed assessment, we will assign credits to skills equivalent to the course learning materials, meaning you won’t need to study them again to earn a qualification. Our recognition of prior learning assessment methods has proven effective countless times, so if you want to join the thousands of satisfied current and ex-service personnel who’ve changed their lives thanks to earning new qualifications, you should at least consider completing the FREE RPL assessment form.

Earn Your Head Start Today

We value our armed forces and believe that every ex-employee deserves the chance to succeed in a new line of work. Our courses and RPL methods allow you to fast-track your way to new qualifications. Contact our professionals at 3CIR today to learn more about our process and how the RPL plan can help you.

Complete a FREE RPL assessment form to get started today! We can assist you if you are after Army RPL, Navy RPL, Air Force RPL, or emergency services RPL.

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