
Ways to Get Qualified with Recognition of Prior Learning

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Get Qualified with Recognition of Prior Learning

Get Qualified with Recognition of Prior Learning

Not everyone has the same opportunities when receiving formal education or training. Some people gain skills in other ways, such as non-formal study or previous work experience. Take, for example, those who serve in the military. They acquire skills in security & risk management or human resources management; however, they don’t have recognised qualifications for these abilities.

Does this sound like you? You still have a chance to have your knowledge, skills, and work experience formally recognised through Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). We use this assessment process to evaluate an individual’s skills, converting them into nationally recognised qualifications.

How can you obtain an assessment for Recognition of Prior Learning?

Understand the process

Gaining qualifications through Recognition of Prior Learning is not as easy as it sounds, but it is a simple process. First, your experiences must match the learning outcomes of a specific course. For example, you need the appropriate knowledge and training to pass the assessment if you wish to gain work health and safety recognition.

Despite the demanding process, obtaining RPL qualifications is more convenient than undergoing a full training course or program. An extended study period may not be for you, especially if you wish to enter a new career as soon as possible. RPL is there to help you achieve your goals much more quickly.

Look for reliable providers

To be sure you’re receiving high-quality services, look for an organisation that places candidates at the top of its priority list. If finances are a concern and they offer free assessment, then this could eliminate any problems in getting your qualifications as quickly as possible.

Consider alternatives

RPL qualifications are great for people who seek to further their careers quickly without worrying about additional training. However, if you want to gain even more qualifications, you can opt for formal training programs and obtain certificates or diplomas, depending on your career choice.

Start the process today and find out what qualifications you’re already eligible to receive through 3CIR’s Free RPL Assessment.

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