
Don’t Sleep on This Opportunity | Benefits of a Graduate Diploma RPL

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Graduate Diploma RPL

Graduate Diploma RPL

The job market has decreased recently due to the Covid-19 pandemic and job saturation. You must stand out among your contemporaries to land your dream job. A graduate diploma RPL can work wonders in such cases.

What Is a Graduate Diploma RPL?

You can be granted Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) for the right skill set and work experience. 3CIR offers a graduate diploma RPL program to professionals without formal education who have relevant practical knowledge to certify their abilities to reach new heights within their career path! Based on your work experience and skill set, you can apply for an RPL. You can check your eligibility by taking our free RPL Assessment.

The Path to a Graduate Diploma RPL

There are some cases where people don’t qualify for a graduate diploma RPL. We recommend that they enrol in our diploma courses to build the relevant skillsets for such cases. After receiving a diploma, candidates should work and progress in their careers before applying for a graduate diploma RPL.

Our online study qualifications start from Certificate II and go to Diploma courses.

What Benefits Does a Graduate Diploma RPL Offer?

A graduate diploma RPL requires no significant time investment from your end. All you need to do is fill out our assessment and wait for our team to contact you. It saves you time because you don’t need to study any course.

We evaluate you based on your current work experience and skill set. During this time, you can continue working and earning income.

However, after receiving your RPL, you have countless growth opportunities. You can look for senior-level roles in organisations. Besides getting a more senior position in a company, an RPL also puts you in a higher salary bracket.

Companies will start recognising your skills because you will have a certification to prove you possess them. An RPL makes you more attractive to potential employers.

Do I Need a Formal Degree?

No, you don’t! The best part about our graduate diploma RPL is that we assess you based on work experience and skills. It doesn’t matter if you have a previous qualification, as long as you have the right skills.

Where Will the RPL Help Me?

Throughout Australia! You can use the RPL for national recognition in any company. Additionally, if you have the right credentials, RPL will reduce the time you would otherwise spend learning skills you already have.

We offer RPLs and courses in the following fields:

Our RPLs and courses are available to military personnel, emergency services workers, and the general public.

Get a Graduate Diploma RPL Today!

It’s never too late to boost your career. Get a graduate diploma RPL today and take your career to the next level. Contact us to find out more, or take our Free RPL Assessment today!

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