
Transition into a New Career With 3CIR, Providers of RPL Assessment and Training Courses

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RPL Assessment and Training

RPL Assessment and Training

Among all emergency personnel, first responders face some of the most challenging situations and put in much of the most demanding work when saving lives and rescuing individuals in need. It is a high-stress job environment, but if you have been a part of this world for years, you know it can also be full of huge rewards. Seeing your efforts in helping others is an inspiration. However, inspiration doesn’t pay bills nor guarantees you will always feel satisfied with your career. Sometimes, we can reach a point where we recognise it is time to move on.

Whether that is because you have specific goals in mind or feel it’s time for a career change, don’t let your accumulated skills and knowledge fall by the wayside. With an RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) and training, you can earn certifications that open doors or prepare you to launch a new career independently. At 3CIR, we welcome veterans of emergency response jobs such as yourself. As established and respected RPL and training providers, we are uniquely positioned to help you take the next steps towards a career change. Consider how the process works and how you can use our RPL and training courses to their fullest potential.

Using RPL to earn credit for training courses

Most qualifications and certificates comprise component courses, each of which confers a certain number of “credits” towards your certification. As you examine the criteria for any particular qualification, you may believe you have skills, experience, or prior education that satisfy the requirements of a unit. With an RPL, you can skip additional training courses by demonstrating that you already possess competency in all the areas the courses would cover.

To earn an RPL, your training providers must know all the requirements. The 3CIR team will review any available evidence and guide how best to qualify for this credit with a close look at what type is right based on our experience assisting other companies in achieving their desired outcome!

We welcome your questions about the process.

Whether you want to seek an RPL in Training and Assessment or believe your skills qualify you for another certification, 3CIR will partner with you in achieving those goals. After transitioning away from the high-stress, high-demand job you held previously, take the time to explore your educational options and determine the ideal path forward for your career. If you are unsure as to exactly what your current skills would qualify for, use the convenient form we’ve created found here. Our training providers will get back to you quickly on which RPL courses would suit you best. Would you prefer to open the lines of communication first? Click to go to our contact page or request a FREE RPL assessment.

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