
Earning Your RPL in New Zealand: A Quick Guide

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RPL in New Zealand

New Zealand is home to many exciting career opportunities in various fields. You might find yourself drawn to a career in marketing or perhaps one in project management. You might even consider working in risk management, health and safety, or education. However, many of these jobs require professional qualifications that generally take years of training to earn. What can you do if you can’t afford to spend the time or money to earn a new education from scratch? Fortunately, the answer might already exist somewhere in your past.

The RPL way is the best path to success. We offer a 25% discount on qualifications for our members who have served in military branches of government, nonprofit organizations and more! The following passage discusses how this program can help people achieve their desired career goals: “With so many opportunities available these days, it’s not easy deciding what you want out of life—but there’s no need to worry because we offer an innovative approach where anyone with relevant work experience will be able to get qualified credits towards professional certifications.”

Make sure that your past experiences serve you in the present and help you move towards a more prosperous future. Contact 3CIR today and learn more about how our RPL programs in New Zealand can allow you to reach your full potential as soon as possible.

Complete a FREE RPL Assessment form to get started today!

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