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Staff Development
HomeStaff Development


The foundation of any successful business is found in its people Your staff are the lifeblood of your organisation and their skills and capabilities can define how you perform within your industry. Change is inevitable and organisations that invest in professional development for their staff are more agile, adaptable, and resilient in the face of uncertainty 3CIR can help sustain your competitive advantage by cultivating and expanding the abilities of your staff. With over 40 nationally recognised qualifications & over 100 skills-based short courses, our team is dedicated to building your workforce.

Training that works for your organisation


Flexible Delivery

Your staff can learn at their own pace with courses delivered online, face-to-face, via correspondence or a mixture of all three. Our short courses can even be delivered in a lunch break

RPL Assessment

Tailored Courses

We work with organisations across industry to deliver training that meets their unique needs. Each course is customised to ensure learning outcomes are relevant to each participant’s role.

Fire Fighter RPL

Affordable Packages

Only pay for what you need. Select specific courses, qualification level or number of staff you wish to upskill. We create a training package to suit your organisation

Our Qualifications

Our Short Courses

Empower your staff and engage their passion for learning.

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Unlock your team’s potential! Choose a time to discuss your upskilling options and how we can help improve your workforce.

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Upgrading students nationally and globally

Staff Training FAQs

Staff training helps employees diversify their skills and improve their performance. We offer a range of short courses and qualifications that you can suit the needs of your workplace. Our team of experienced trainers can deliver custom learning modules with tutorials, simulations, and other interactive experiences that will engage your employees and boost their capabilities.

While there are a number of important aspects to running a successful business, one of the most crucial is undoubtedly employee training. A well-trained staff can make all the difference when it comes to achieving goals and providing excellent customer service; conversely, a poorly trained staff can be detrimental to both.

There are many benefits of staff training, but one of the most important is that it can help you improve your company’s bottom line. That’s because employees who receive proper training are better equipped to do their jobs effectively and efficiently. And when your employees are able to do their jobs well, it can lead to increased productivity and improved customer satisfaction. It can also help increase employee retention and build job satisfaction.

Developing a staff training program can be a daunting task, but 3CIR has the experience and expertise to help you create a program that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations. Our trainers tailor their content to suit specific goals. We can design entire modules to facilitate the outcomes you need and the staff competencies you want. Contact us today for a free consultation.

Boost Your Business with Professional Staff Training and Development

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