
3CIR: Helping Military Veterans Achieve Recognition of Prior Learning with Versatile RPL Courses

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Veterans Achieve Recognition of Prior Learning

Veterans Achieve Recognition of Prior Learning

At 3CIR, we are in the business of recognition of prior learning, or RPL. Unlike many RTOs that offer RPL opportunities, we often focus our efforts on a particular niche of students: current and ex-military members. Be it Army, Navy or Air Force, we can assist.

Serving in the military is often a rewarding experience. It allows you to learn a lot, build lifelong friendships with your fellow servicemen and servicewomen, and take pride in putting your life on the line to serve your country. While joining the military is a noble pursuit, it is also highly challenging and dangerous.

The difficulty doesn’t stop when your service ends, either. On the contrary, returning to regular civilian life after a time in the Australian or New Zealand Defence Force is no easy task. At this point, the psychology of veterans—particularly those who have seen combat—is well-documented. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a severe problem for veterans.

However, even ex-military service people who don’t struggle with PTSD can have difficulty reintegrating into everyday life. Academia is often at the root of those problems–individuals who have served in our armed forces typically go through a bulk of training and educational sessions that make them valuable members of any Australian or New Zealand workforce; however, they may not always be seen as hireable because while most employers would attest to their skill set (which includes relevant certifications), there’s just one problem: These same qualifications don’t necessarily translate when applying for academic positions after being released from active duty.

Offering Prior Learning Recognition for Military Service

At 3CIR, we offer RPL or help Veterans Achieve Recognition of Prior Learning. We believe the skills servicemen and women acquire while serving their country are valuable and should be given the same weight as skills learned in the university classroom. Our recognition prior learning courses are designed to take the knowledge, experience and skills already there and back them up with certifications. These certifications, in turn, make it easier for veterans to find work and build regular lives away from the military.

Our prior recognition of learning opportunities spans several fields and career areas. While not all these courses are relevant to the skills usually gained in military training and service, many are. Men and women serving in the military often learn skills in security, leadership, training and education, work health and safety, risk management and more. At 3CIR, we offer direct or tangentially related courses to each focus area.

Enrol in a 3CIR Recognition of Prior Learning Course Today

Are you interested in learning prior recognition for the skills and knowledge you picked up while serving in the military? If so, then 3CIR can help. To get started, complete our FREE RPL Assessment Form. The form will help us assess your level of experience and knowledge and determine which courses suit you. Army RPL, Navy RPL or Air Force RPL, we can assist.

See a range of 3CIR videos, including Leadership, HR, WHS, Security, Business, Marketing, Government, Project Management and many more!!

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