
"Transforming Experience into Qualifications – Start Today!"

Work Health and Safety Courses

Ensure a safe and secure work environment with our comprehensive Work Health and Safety (WHS) qualifications. Our courses provide you with the tools and knowledge needed to minimise risk and prevent harm or injury within your workplace. Equip your workforce with essential workplace health and safety principles and empower them to take control of potential hazards. By enrolling in our WHS courses, you can create a culture of safety and reduce the likelihood of workplace incidents. If you already possess WHS experience, you could be qualified without the need for additional study. Take advantage of our Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process and discover your eligibility now.

Learn the fundamentals of health and safety in the workplace and gain comprehensive knowledge of the Safety at Work Act. Implement systems that mitigate hazards and encourage all stakeholders to take part in safe practices. Learn how to assess & avoid risk and know how to respond to potential workplace emergency situations.

By raising awareness of common workplace hazards and highlighting the ways to control them effectively, you can impact the health and safety culture and performance of your organisation.

With Certificate III to Advanced Diploma qualifications available, we can meet your education needs regardless of where you are in your WHS career.

Work Health & Safety professionals are a key aspect of any successful organisation and ensure the day-to-day smooth operations needed for a business to thrive. Professionals in WHS need to have a keen eye and attention to detail to spot potential hazards and risks before they occur. Logic and problem solving are also important, as roles in WHS are often required to find workable solutions to complex issues.

Our Work Health and Safety courses develop these skills by providing real-world scenarios for you to explore and learn. Foundation level courses including our certificate III and IV qualifications cover practical skills including first aid, developing complex documentation and applying WHS laws in the workplace. Our more advanced qualifications further explore these skills and how they are implemented at an executive or specialist level.

If you already have experience within the WHS industry, explore our RPL options and save time and money on your qualifications.

All our Work Health & Safety courses meet the guidelines developed through the Australian Qualifications Framework and delivered in partnership with Asset College (RTO #31718).

What is the Purpose of Workplace Safety Training?

Workplace safety training is just as vital as workplace safety. It gives managers the tools they need to make their workplaces safe and healthy. Employees can also use it to discover and resolve safety hazards. It enables them to grasp the most efficient safety practices and procedures.

Safety training is even more important for businesses that employ hazardous items and equipment, such as hospitals and construction companies.

Employees or workers must undergo advanced health and safety training to master the safety principles that apply to their jobs; otherwise, they will be at a higher risk of accident, sickness, or death on the job.

It is a sensible investment to allow your personnel to enrol in health and safety training courses. While sending your employees to this course may require a large financial investment, it will be well worth it in the end because it can provide numerous benefits.

What Are The Advantages of Safety Training Courses?

  1. Increases Employee Awareness

Regardless of the industry, employees may be exposed to hazards on the job. Staff may be vulnerable to hazards such as tripping over electrical cables or slipping and falling, even if your organisation is solely focused on administrative tasks. Health and safety training programs are an effective approach to informing your employees about the numerous workplace hazards and how to manage them. Workplace risks, how to identify dangers, how to handle hazards, and how to prevent accidents and injuries involving specific hazards are all common topics covered in safety training sessions.

  1. Reduces Accidents and Injuries

Because your employees are already aware of the hazards in the workplace, they will have an easier time preventing accidents and injuries. They will already be familiar with how to use various tools and equipment. This is especially true for companies or industries that use heavy machinery. They will also be informed of the job hazards and how to avoid becoming a victim of any of them. Because they’ll know what to avoid, they’ll be able to work more safely.

  1. Promotes and improves workplace communication

Lack of communication is one of the most significant barriers to workplace safety. Employees who neglect to notify their peers or managers of potential hazards or concerns are responsible for many workplace incidents.

Building workplace interactions and enhancing workplace communication helps individuals to respond quickly and efficiently. As a result, the workplace is happier and more productive.

As part of their training, employees should be taught about the communication mechanism in the event of a safety or health issue. If a hazard is detected, it should be accompanied by a communication strategy that specifies who should be notified and how.

  1. Increases the Productivity of Your Team

A single employee missing a day of work could have long-term consequences for your business. This is especially true if the person is a manager or supervisor.

If you don’t want your staff to miss work, allow them to register for health and safety training classes. These seminars will educate employee’s skills that will allow them to work for extended periods of time while avoiding work-related accidents and diseases. If your staff are always present at work, you can be sure that your firm will become more productive in the future.

  1. Assists You in Retaining More Talent

It’s one thing to hire high-performing personnel for your business; it’s quite another to keep them on board for as long as possible. The former is straightforward, whereas the latter is complex and time-consuming. In order for your employees to continue working for you, you must ensure that they are happy and satisfied. What is the answer? Safety training will benefit your personnel. When you enrol your employees in these courses, they will feel valued and appreciated. They’ll also believe that as an employer, you care about their professional progress and well-being. All of these elements play a part in whether or not an employee stays with a company. Investing in a health and safety course is not only a requirement, but it is also one of the best ways to reduce risks and raise awareness of workplace hazards, all of which will directly benefit employees, reduce the number of injuries, sick leave, production downtime, and other costs associated with accidents and injuries, and promote a safe working environment for everyone.

The ability to provide health and safety training online increases flexibility, reduces production downtime due to staff being unable to attend face-to-face training, promotes understanding of risk management and health and safety precautions, protects everyone in the workplace, and increases the adoption of health and safety procedures and policies.

Cost. When opportunity costs such as employee time are taken into account, online training tends to be much less expensive than in-person training.

Always available. Employees can complete training courses at any time and from any location. This is especially significant for firms that have employees who work in remote locations. It also ensures that training may be accommodated around the other obligations of employees.

Auditable engagement. To guarantee that staff are fully engaged and learning, an effective online training course incorporates usage tracking and exams. Employers can use metrics like the amount of time an employee spends on a module to check compliance.

Consistency. A consistent message throughout the business is a hallmark of successful safety training. When everyone hears the same counsel, they can reinforce what they’ve learned by helping each other.

Repetition. Programs can be made available for repeat viewings and refresher courses on a regular basis, allowing the business to guarantee that key principles are retained in the minds of personnel.

Specialty topics. Some organisations require safety training, but trainers are either prohibitively expensive, too far away, or difficult to book. When hiring an in-person trainer on-site isn’t possible, an online course might be used as a supplement or as a replacement.

Enrol in a Work Health & Safety course today and begin the first step in your new career. If you already have experience in a WHS or have similar skills or knowledge, you may already be eligible for a WHS qualification through Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). Find out more through our Free RPL Assessment.

Work health and safety courses to suit all needs

Work health and safety play a crucial role in all Australian workplaces — no matter the industry. While it’s true that WHS is especially critical in potentially high-risk environments such as construction sites and hospitals, the fact is that all workplaces need to have a solid WHS strategy in place.

The repercussions of a poor WHS strategy can be dire for businesses. Our range of online work health and safety training courses will give you practical strategies for reducing the likelihood of risk or injury within your workplace and help you create a safer work environment.  

Your trusted provider of work health and safety courses online

At 3CIR, we understand how crucial the learning journey is. Our mission is to help students achieve recognition for their hard-earned experience through professional certification in the form of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). We also provide a trusted platform for further education — from Certificate II to a Graduate Diploma. Our flexible courses give you the freedom to study and work simultaneously to facilitate a healthy balance between your professional duties and your personal time. 

Contact us for your work health and safety training needs

Looking to gain a deeper understanding of WHS principles and improve your workplace’s understanding of risk prevention and control in the process? Our range of work health and safety courses may be the perfect fit.

Along with workplace safety training, we also offer a range of Certificate II to Graduate Diploma courses, covering a range of fields and industries. If you have any questions about our online courses, or if you’d like a little help choosing the best course for your unique needs, get in touch with our friendly team today. We’d be more than happy to assist!

Work Health and Safety

Frequently Asked Work Health and Safety Courses Questions

Workplace health and safety is a rapidly growing industry in Australia. Workplace accidents are on the rise due to the increasing number of people working in high-risk environments. Workplace health and safety services help to reduce the number of workplace accidents by providing training and education on how to prevent them. They also help to investigate accidents that do occur and provide support for workers who have been injured. Workplace health and safety services are essential for keeping workers safe, and for preventing costly accidents in the workplace. It’s an exciting, challenging and well-round profession to learn and develop a useful skillset.

Just starting out as a WHS professional? Or have you already worked in a number of Workplace Health and Safety roles? Either way, our courses will help you develop your professional skills and build your resume:

Our WHS roles include:

You will gain specialised skills and knowledge needed to assist with responding to various incidents, contribute to implementing and maintaining workplace health and safety consultation and participation processes, and help ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations. With a focus on areas such as identifying hazards, creating hazard control plans, providing basic first aid support, and administering legal documentation and proceedings, this program will prepare you for success in the rapidly growing field of work health and safety.

Through our workplace health and safety qualifications, you could pursue a range of roles including WHS advisor, Safety Officer Health and Safety representative or a Work health and safety manager.

Workplace safety is a vital concern for any employer, and they are always on the lookout for personnel who can help to maintain a safe working environment. WHS Officers play a key role in this process, and employers are therefore looking for candidates with a range of skills and abilities. Firstly, they want personnel who are tactful and diplomatic, able to defuse potentially dangerous situations without causing undue stress or conflict. They also need employees who are good communicators, both written and oral, as well as being able to work effectively both independently and as part of a team.

This Role also requires a high level of discretion and respect for confidentiality and privacy, so employers are looking for individuals with integrity who can be trusted to handle sensitive information with care. All of these skills can be learnt through our WHS Qualifications. Enrol today or find out more information by contacting us. You can also use your existing WHS experience to help obtain a qualification cheaper and with little to no study (spending on your existing skills). Find out more about our Recognition of Prior Learning Service.

While the overall numbers may be decreasing, workplace injuries and fatalities are still happening. In fact, there have been about 4 million severe cases just last year which cost Australia around $62 billion dollars per annum in medical expenses alone! That’s why it is important for employers to take proactive steps towards ensuring their employees’ safety on site by implementing programs such as orientation sessions or technological solutions.

More generally, employment in this sector is booming. The average salary for an officer working at a workplace health safety agency was $100k and this figure is expected to grow in relation to industry demand. Get started now and build the career you want! Enrol or contact us for more information.