
Future Proofing Careers by Upskilling

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Recognition of prior learning

Careers by Upskilling

In the corporate world, where the competition among hundreds of companies is cutthroat, almost every corporation is investing in providing their employees free training to upskill their current talents.

A lot of companies have been spending thousands of dollars to pay for a single employee’s training. This supplementary expense is viewed as an investment with the expectation of a very high return, given the fact that it includes human resources.

Colleagues who are committed to self-improvement take the initiative of investing a portion of their salaries in order to invest more time and money into furthering themselves. For those without enough financial resources, it pays off by checking whether there is any kind of educational programs provided through government grants or loans which can help them achieve personal goals

Such effort is known to maintain an employee’s present position and hopefully qualify for a promotion. Such occurrence is quite common when there are not enough opportunities offered by companies to improve.

Assuming that not every position has the security of tenure, this means that any employee that is considered replaceable is living on the edge of their seats. One wrong move could break everything for them.

Therefore, they aspire to make themselves indispensable in order to increase their value in the company. Once the company has realised that an employee is far too much of an asset, then it will retain such an employee.

So, the question at hand is how to become an asset to the company in order to feel secure with your job.

A lot of employees have understood that gaining a variety of skills shows how eager they are to be able to contribute to the success of the company.

By choosing to upskill current abilities, an employee, as an outcome of training and seminars, develop a higher sense of productivity and more effective problem-solving competencies resulting in overall exemplary performance at work.

Moreover, they could also increase their network by meeting new mentors, contemporaries, associates, and even social groups. This will not only improve corporate performance but will enhance one’s people and communication skills.

Discovering new skills may lead to a more combusting passion for excellence. It is important to understand that other employees may choose to undergo upskilling for personal motives.

By doing so, upskilling is not only professionally advantageous but also personally beneficial. These factors are one of the few important elements of realising an employee’s maximum potential.

Then, when it comes to growth, professional and personal development should always go hand in hand in order to be a well-moulded person and employee that will serve as an invaluable individual at work.

By exploring possibilities and chances and other resources, every employee has no reason to upskill, grow, and improve or develop old and new skills. Indeed, the learning curve should remain active in order to be a better version of one’s self.

3CIR has a range of courses available to assist you with your needs. Our friendly staff are here should you have any questions or need any guidance.  Simply email [email protected]

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