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Government Courses

Government Security Courses Online

Attention public sector professionals! Do you want to make a difference in your community by assessing security risks and protecting daily life? Gain the skills and credentials you need to advance your career in security departments, border force agencies, police administration, corrective services, and government employee vetting roles. Our Government Investigations and Security program offers you the expertise and knowledge necessary to succeed in this important field. Plus, if you already have industry experience, you may be eligible for a qualification without additional study! Don’t wait to take your career to the next level. Learn more about the RPL process and how you can become a valuable asset to your organisation and community.

Government Qualifications

If you have experience in your industry, you could already be eligible to receive a qualification without study, find out more about the RPL process.

Coordinate protective security, handle sensitive information or plan and initiate investigations, these are some of the skills you can obtain through our qualifications. The curriculum includes coursework on the legal and practical aspects of conducting investigation and logistics, technologies and real-world aspects of conducting surveillance and gathering physical and digital evidence. You will learn the theory and practice of providing security for fixed material assets.

You will become familiar with the techniques and technologies used in modern public and private security organisations to provide physical security, asset protection, and loss prevention, cybercrime detection, and criminal and civil investigation. Learn the values, intricacies and legislative requirements unique to the public sector and contribute to protecting our country.

Uphold the values of public service and maintain the safety of the community, there are many skills that you can develop through our Government courses. Our courses are perfect for you if you’re interested in gathering and analysing information, conducting security assessments or identifying fraud. Develop a better understanding of the public sector learn what it takes to keep our Governments agile and effective.

Covering Government Investigations and Government security, we offer several courses ranging from Certificate IV to Diploma. If you’re looking to explore this exciting career or upskill within the industry, our range of qualifications can meet your educational needs.

With flexible online courses, you can fit your learning around your current lifestyle, saving stress and hassle. We also offer payment plans so you can become a more skilled and proficient professional regardless of your budget. All our courses abide by the Australian Qualifications Framework and are delivered in partnership with Asset College (RTO #31718).

If you’ve worked within Government previously, you should explore Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). It enables you to convert experience into study credits to reduce the time It takes to qualify.

In today’s world of hackers and identity thieves, every government and commercial organisation/business must have an awareness training program that covers information security and privacy, alone or together. The goal and benefits of information security and privacy regulations differ depending on the jurisdiction. Regulatory mandates, ethical issues for the government sectors (especially in managing personal information), and fundamental best practices to safeguard organisations from potential risks and unnecessary risk are all grounds for an awareness program (e.g., financial, public image). The key to building a successful information security and privacy program is to model appropriate conduct at work and at home.

There is no denying that training has advantages. Let’s look at government agencies’ top ten advantages of security awareness training.

1. Develop a government security-focused culture

When you provide training on a topic to your staff, you are letting them know the importance of the subject and preparing them in the instance of a Government Security breach. Better habits are formed through regular training. People will continue to do something as if it were second nature once it becomes a habit. Another strategy to guarantee your culture remains security-focused is to reinforce the training with various messages such as posters or emails.

2. Empower employees

Employees are less likely to cause an incident when they are confident in their interactions with data that must adhere to security protocols. After all, human error is the major cause of breaches and attacks. Human error was the leading cause of government security breaches in 2015, accounting for 37% of all instances. Security awareness training is the solution for reducing the risk of human error and empowering your government employees. This training will teach them how to keep the organisation safe when utilising technology, so they won’t have to guess what security measures to take.

3. Protect assets

A security breach is not only damaging to a company’s reputation, particularly in the government sector, but it is also costly. According to a recent report, the average cost of a data breach around the globe is around 5 million. To keep those dollars and secure your assets, it’s best to invest in training from the start. This factor does not include the political ramifications of these government security threats.

4. Prevent downtime

Investigating and remedying a security breach or incident takes a long time. Your team will need to invest that time to getting back up and running. This is likely to disrupt your workflow and cause you to miss deadlines. Even a few hours of downtime might create significant inconvenience.

5. Increase Government Security adoption

Don’t expect your personnel to automatically embrace security procedures after reading your policy. Employee training leads to adoption in the public sector. After going through training, individuals are informed and understand the risks. More training leads to higher acceptance and awareness among your employees, improving security across the board.

6. Institute proactive practices

Rather of being reactive, your security policy should be proactive and preventive. Something has already happened if you are reacting. There is a shift in perspective when government security is viewed as something to prevent rather than something to recover from. This viewpoint is supported by security awareness training.

7. Collect risk data by driving awareness

Employees can help collect risk data by increasing their understanding of security concerns in the public sector. In the world of technology, risk is a moving target. Improve your understanding of the sorts of risks that employees face and use that information to improve your security approach. This knowledge is facilitated by training. When an employee recognises the appearance of a phishing email, they are more likely to forward it to the security team rather than delete it. Phishing attempts and other hacking tactics reported by employees are significant information. Without formal government security training, different departments or places within the public sector may use different principles. All employees should be concerned about security. You don’t want a slew of renegade departments implementing what they think are the best practises. There’s no more uncertainty in training sessions about the security strategy and how it should be applied. It is vital to get all stakeholders on the same page in order to reduce risk.

8. Expand awareness to reduce threats

Security awareness training should focus on real-world dangers. Your users will then learn how to spot and avoid threats, ensuring that your network remains secure and your productivity continues. Without this type of training, your employees will be less informed about Government security threats and may unwittingly expose the company’s system to viruses and attacks. Put the responsibility back on the employee by equipping him or her with the information to respond more effectively. You need these talents in your employees, thus it’s an investment in their future. You should expect fewer threat action when they are prepared.

9. Stay compliant

There are numerous regulations that the public sector must follow. These are required. Employees are not only taught how to keep compliant with legislation. Your organization’s compliance may include training on these areas as well. To keep everyone who handles sensitive information compliant and following the guidelines, they’ll require training to understand what they need to do. Non-compliance could cost you a lot of money. A good compliance program requires security awareness training.

In a government course, what will I learn?

The majority of our Online Government Courses are focused on security and investigations. You may expect to learn about identifying security risks, public service values, legislation compliance, risk management, the investigation process, communication, and resource allocation while pursuing any of these qualifications. Consider having your knowledge translated into a qualification through Recognition of Prior Learning if you already have a lot of government experience.

Frequently Asked Government Courses Questions

Covering anything from administration to the emergency services, careers in Government span a huge range of roles each with different skills and competencies. You can give back to your community and feel you’re making a real difference, whether you’re working in local, state or federal level positions.

Governments are some of the largest employers in the country with over 2 million public sector workers operating in 2021. This means there are plenty of opportunities to grow and develop your professional government career!

The majority of our Online Government Courses cover the security and investigations professions. Though undertaking any of these qualifications, you can expect to cover a range of topics including assessing security risks, the values of public services, compliance with legislation, risk management, the investigation process, communication and resource allocation.

If you already have a wealth of Government experience, consider having your knowledge converted into a qualification through Recognition of Prior Learning, find out more about our FREE RPL assessment here

While the roles available in Government are endless, our courses will help you obtain roles in investigations or security. You could begin a career as a Security Officer, Security Administration Officer, Fraud investigation Officer, Security Vetting Officer, Security Manager, or Complaints and Performance Manager.

State, local and National Governments are always looking for new talent and staff to continue their operations. While every area is different, the largest public sector employers are within Queensland, Victoria or New South Wales.