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Course Enrolment
HomeCourse Enrolment

Course Enrolment

HomeCourse Enrolment

Our Enrolment processes

To enrol in our course, we need to determine your capacity to complete online education. This will be assessed through either:
  1. Evidence of study and completion of a previous qualification
  1. Completion of an intermediate Language Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) online test.
If you have completed study and can provide evidence of your qualification, you will not be required to complete a LLN test.
Please indicate if you have completed a previous qualification:

Yes – I am able to provide evidence of my previous qualification to an enrolment officer

No – I will complete a LLN test (only available on desktop)

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When considering enrolling with 3CIR for your educational advancement, you’ll find a supportive and streamlined process tailored to ensure that you meet the requirements for online learning. The initial step involves demonstrating your readiness through previous qualifications or an online Language Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) test. This ensures that each student is prepared to engage with the coursework successfully.

3CIR offers a variety of courses designed to enhance your skills and knowledge in specific areas, making learning accessible and flexible. The enrolment page provides essential information and guidance, from detailed course descriptions to the support available throughout your study journey. This helps you make informed decisions about your education and career progression.

3CIR’s enrolment process is more than just a formality. It’s a gateway to a transformative educational experience. It’s designed to empower you with the tools and information needed for a successful journey. By visiting the enrolment section of their website, you can access comprehensive resources, get in touch with support staff, and start your journey towards achieving your educational goals. For more detailed information, you can visit their enrolment page.

You’ll appreciate the flexible learning environment that accommodates various personal and professional schedules. 3CIR is committed to providing educational solutions that fit your life, emphasizing the importance of balancing your studies with other responsibilities. This commitment ensures you can pursue your educational ambitions without compromising your lifestyle or work commitments.

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