
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) to Jumpstart your Career

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Recognition of Prior Learning

What is Recognition of Prior Learning?

Recognition of Prior Learning is your previous expertise, knowledge, and training formally acknowledged as credits towards certification. RPL identifies what you already know to be true, for it matches up with a qualification that will grant additional recognition upon completion- if enough experience applies, then we’ll give credit where applicable! Obtaining a certificate through RPL is cheaper and quicker than traditional study, as you’ve already put in the work, and all that is required is an assessment of your skills.

What is the RPL procedure?

You can apply for RPL through 3CIR by completing a free RPL Assessment form. Here, you can indicate your previous experience and select your qualifications. You’ll then be directed to attach all relevant documentation as evidence of your work history.

Using your documentation, our staff match your experience to your selected course and advise how many credits you’re eligible to receive and if any further study would be required. The RPL assessment also covers other qualifications for which you’re eligible so you can explore your options better.

If you receive enough credits for a full qualification, you pay the required fee and are awarded your nationally accredited certification!

What types of evidence are appropriate for RPL?

We’ll need proof that you have the most up-to-date skills and experience to hold the certification. Examples of evidence include:

• Formal and informal credentials, such as diplomas, certificates, statements of results, statements of attainment, or transcripts of courses.

• A resume, a job description, or a list of previous employment.

• Work-related references, both paid and unpaid.

• Job samples, such as magazines, studies, or posts

• Letters and references from customers or employers.

Your assessor for prior learning recognition will contact you to discuss your facts and ask questions to help you validate your qualifications and expertise. You may be asked to participate in an interview, a challenging assignment, or a realistic test to show your skills.

Why is RPL based on evidence?

Providing evidence allows us to verify your experience. To uphold the certification’s integrity, we must ensure your skills link to the qualification’s outcomes. Mapping your real-world skills and knowledge through your documentation provides credibility and assurance of your experience. It maintains the reliability of RPL qualifications and the Australian Qualifications Framework.

Utilize RPL to your advantage!

Recognition of prior learning is the chance to have your education, work experience, and life achievements acknowledged and counted against an official qualification. 3CIR can help you start your career sooner; start our free RPL assessment and get qualified today!

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