
Top 5 Reasons Why Everyone Needs Cyber Security Training

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Cyber Security Training | 3CIR

Cyber Security Training

In today’s climate, cyber security is more important than ever. Businesses of all sizes have become targets for cyber attacks, and the damage can be devastating. The risks are real and present, from data loss to reputational damage. This is why it’s so crucial for everyone to have at least some basic cybersecurity training. Here are the top 5 reasons why:

  1. Cyber attacks are becoming more common.
  2. The costs of a cyber attack can be significant.
  3. Cyber security training can help prevent attacks.
  4. Employees are often the weakest link in a company’s cyber security defences.
  5. Cybersecurity training can help you develop a growth mindset.

Cyber attacks are becoming more common: According to IBM, there was a 12 per cent increase in data breaches in 2019 compared to 2018.* This trend is only expected to continue, so businesses need to be prepared with robust cyber security defences. Employees need to be trained in how to identify and prevent attacks so that they can protect themselves and the company from harm.

The costs of a cyber attack can be significant: A single data breach can cost a business millions of dollars in damages.* There is the direct cost of repairing the damage done by the breach and indirect costs like loss of business due to reputation damage.* These costs can be devastating for a business, which is why it’s so important to have adequate cyber security measures in place—including training for employees.

Cyber security training can help prevent attacks: One of the best ways to avoid a cyber attack is to train employees to identify and respond to potential threats.* By teaching employees about common types of attacks and how to spot them, you can drastically reduce the likelihood of an attack happening in the first place. And if an attack does happen, well-trained employees will know how to minimize the damage and get the company back up and running as quickly as possible.

Employees are often the weakest link in a company’s cyber security defences: It’s not uncommon for employees to be the reason a company suffers a data breach.* Whether it’s because they accidentally click on a phishing email or they reuse passwords across multiple accounts, humans are often the weakest link in any organization’s cyber security defences.* This is why it’s so essential for companies to invest in employee training—so that workers understand how their actions can impact cyber security and what they can do to mitigate risks.

Cyber security training can help you develop a growth mindset: Learning about cyber security can also help you create what psychologists call a “growth mindset”—the belief that your abilities and intelligence can be acquired through hard work and dedication.* This type of mindset is critical for anyone working in an ever-changing field like cybersecurity—because it means that you’re never satisfied with your current level of knowledge and skills, and you’re always striving to learn more and improve.)*

Everyone needs basic cyber security training for several reasons: because attacks are becoming more common; because the costs of an attack can be high; because training employees helps prevent attacks; because employees are often the weak link in a company’s defence against attacks; and because training enables you to develop a growth mindset which is critical for anyone working changeable field like cybersecurity.)* Do not wait until it is too late–get trained today!

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