
ASQA takes regulatory decisions against APTI, Franklyn Scholar (Aust)

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ASQA takes regulatory decisions against APTI, Franklyn Scholar (Aust)

The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) has taken regulatory decisions against two related training providers – Asia Pacific Training Institute Pty Ltd (APTI, RTO number 21378) and Franklyn Scholar (Australia) Pty Ltd (RTO number 7134).

ASQA has cancelled the registration of APTI as a provider of vocational education and training (VET) services, and has removed all Diploma-level qualifications and the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment qualification from Franklyn Scholar’s scope of registration.

The decision against APTI will take effect from 5 May while the decision against Franklyn Scholar will take effect from 8 May unless either training provider seeks a review in the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT).

Chief Commissioner Mark Paterson said both organisations were included in ASQA’s 2016 VET FEE-HELP Strategic Review because of complaints and other intelligence received about them.

“An investigation into APTI found that it was not compliant with the requirements of the VET Quality Framework in the areas of marketing and student recruitment, student enrolment and the amount of training it provided to learners.

This RTO primarily delivered qualifications at a Diploma level, and all students enrolled with the RTO were funded through the VET FEE-HELP scheme,” Mr Paterson said.

“An audit of Franklyn Scholar (Australia) found non-compliance in the same areas of its Diploma level qualifications, as well as issues with its assessment practices.

“ASQA’s decision to remove the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment was because of these findings.

It is critical that qualifications certifying the competence of trainers and assessor are delivered to the highest levels of quality, so that trainers and assessors hold all the skills and knowledge capabilities required.”

Mr Paterson said both providers were given an opportunity to respond to ASQA’s findings; however a review of the evidence provided in response demonstrated that both training providers remained not compliant with the requirements of the VET Quality Framework.

APTI is the fifth training provider to have its registration cancelled following scrutiny as part of ASQA’s 2016 VET FEE-HELP Strategic Review; the others being ASCET Institute of Technology (RTO number 20770), Smart City Vocational College Pty Ltd (RTO number 6494), Australian Vocational Learning Institute (RTO number 21289) and Conwal and Associates Pty Ltd (RTO number 31190).

The decisions against ASCET Institute of Technology, Australian Vocational Learning Institute and Conwal and Associates have come into effect, while Smart City Vocational College has sought a review of ASQA’s decision in the AAT.

Smart City has been granted a stay of the decision pending the outcome of the review on the conditions that it not advertise for new students and not accept new enrolments.

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