
Signs that you need to shift careers

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Need to shift careers?

With a volatile economy and shifting tides of one’s ideas and plans, deciding to change career paths might be tricky. Most workers have experienced undergoing a career- or profession-crisis.

With a lot of possibilities and choices of potential vocation, it is of no help for people who are deciding whether or not to take a leap towards a different career path.

Therefore, it is the goal of this article to help those who are suffering from a career crisis to finally make a decision for their next move.

Here are some pointers that will tell you to take that next job you are eyeing for:

  1. You are emotionally drained and physically worn out most of the time.

The signs of weariness are always expected when you don’t like your work. This is because being passionate about a task will make it easier for us to enjoy what we do and feel accomplished with our achievements, while those who only have jobs out of necessity experience burnout or emotional exhaustion as they go through their days at the office without any sense that anything worthwhile has been achieved.”

  1. Your tasks and responsibilities are welldelivered but do not reflect your personality or you as a person.

Some people who deliver consistent and exemplary performances at work, usually, surprise their supervisors with an unexpected resignation letter.

This might be a mystery for some managers and supervisors because they never see their subordinates struggle physically with work.

This proves that the most difficult struggle an employee undergoes is the internal struggle.

  1. The salary is not enough reason to stay.

No matter how many zeros an employee has in his or her paycheck, it is not enough for them to stay with their current work.

Other employees view employment as an avenue to have fun and express their identity through their jobs. Therefore, people opt to leave no matter how much they are receiving for their compensation.

Companies have to consider the fact that not all employees are actually in it for the sole purpose of money alone.

Some employees experience an irrepressible feeling that they are better off somewhere else. May it be due to recognition or lack thereof in the workplace, the feeling of displacement is quite a personal issue for some employees.

Thus, money could not change the inevitable feeling that their talents and abilities could be used and honed in totally different or nonconventional ways.

  1. Lastly, you need fresh air.

Some employees actually prefer to choose different career paths because of their environment. Sometimes, it’s not the work itself but the people comprising the company.

This conflict of personalities is way too much to handle for them. May it be a nosy and unprofessional colleague or an abusive supervisor, sometimes enough is enough for them.

These issues are only one of the few reasons that lead employees to change career paths.

Hence, it is not limited only to these causes. External unmentioned personal factors should also be considered.

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