
Risk and Security Management: A Unique Career

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Risk and Security Management | 3CIR

certificate iv in security and risk management rpl

Risk and Security Management

To become a security manager or supervisor, you need the right qualifications. If your current role identifies and prioritizes threats against an organisation’s assets while also ensuring the safety of all those involved in business deals with them- then consider pursuing further studies into Risk and Security Management at the Certificate IV level, which can help advance careers even more!

As a security supervisor, you lead teams to coordinate and execute security functions and operations, such as static and mobile guards, electronic security, the monitoring centre, and the control room. Security business managers coordinate their clients’ security services and manpower under complex contracting and regulatory arrangements. Completing a certificate course in Security Management could advance your capabilities in risk and security management to become qualified in other careers, such as:

  • Security operations supervisor
  • Security business management
  • Technical security manager
  • Security trainer
  • Security supervisor
  • Monitoring centre manager
  • Event security supervisor
  • Control room manager

To succeed in getting hired or promoted, you need an additional security management course to build your knowledge and experience in relevant areas, such as managing work health and safety, advising on clients’ security needs, and security debriefing and briefing. It will also make you more credible in establishing governance and ethics.

You do not have to wait long to earn your risk and security management qualification, particularly if you already have experience on the job. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) may help you gain that certificate or diploma sooner. Alternatively, you can consider studying online.

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