
Avoid Procrastination and its Consequences

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Procrastination and its Consequences

Not a lot of people have the strength to refuse the idea of procrastination. Another informal and common term for it is cramming. It is the tendency when people choose to ignore their responsibilities at their early stages thinking that they could finish them later on when the deadline is getting close.

It is as inviting as someone’s favourite dessert after dinner. Even though ample time was given to work on a certain task, or study for a specific test, people simply choose to cram because they find other more interesting things to do and think they work best under immense pressure.

However, unknown to most people, cramming is only a temporary answer to their problems rather than being the absolute resolution.

The best way to make sure that you’re not wasting your time during an exam is by following Level’s Processing Theory. This theory argues that deep processing leads to long-term memory while shallow relies on short term ones, so if we want our knowledge retention rate high enough for all future tests then there should be no exceptions made with what type of study session one chooses: either deeply explore new material or thoroughly review old concepts again because both types yield similar benefits!

Another important factor that affects memory retention is sleeping. Once a person decides to cram, it is also equivalent to sacrificing a good night’s sleep in order to make it happen.

There is a reason studies suggest a minimum of eight hours of sleep a day. The different stages of sleep play important roles in forming and enduring memories from short-term stores into long-term memory.

Moreover, the deepest stage of sleep is known to be the period used for the consolidation of memories.

Therefore, a proper amount of sleep after learning new information is essential to forming memories and retaining such new information.

Some people find cramming more effective because of the pressure they feel nearing their deadlines. This occurrence is quite simple.

Most people opt for immediate gratification of their impulsive needs. Therefore, even though people try to organize their schedule, they still fall prey to the temptations of doing other things like playing video games, browsing through different social media, reading fictional work that has nothing to do with the present task, and watching different videos and movies on TV or on the internet.

Immediate gratification is what people try to indulge in as little rewards.

Therefore, avoiding procrastination will help you develop a sense of self-discipline that will not only be deemed useful to finish the task but will be a good foundation for good work ethics in the future.

Although it may seem difficult for most people to avoid procrastination, it is actually attainable after a few practices and attempts to avoid it consistently.

The most challenging factor is finding the motivation to stay focused and disciplined.

Therefore, it is important to explore what makes a person more motivated a strike a balance between finding something rewarding while doing the process but at the same time, not being distracted by such rewards.

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