
Vital Facts to Know About RPL Assessments

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Vital Facts to Know About RPL Assessments

RPL Assessments

Prior experience in the military or emergency services may have provided you with the knowledge and skills essential to perform your duties efficiently. However, civilian employers might not be able to effectively translate the things you picked up during service, even if you are highly qualified for the job you are applying for. For this reason, former service people are encouraged to take courses to earn the qualifications they need to be hired. However, with prior experience, you may qualify for an RPL assessment. This process could help you earn qualifications sooner and may even let you skip the entire course like a regular student.

The Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) allows people to earn formal qualifications based on their professional experiences. This means that your knowledge and skills, even if they come from somewhere other than school or training programs, can still count towards an RPL assessment’s units of competency requirements!

If you are considering RPL assessment, it’s important to understand that it involves the previous study in both informal (i.e. workplace training and community education) and formal (i.e. school or TAFE) education, life experience, and work experience, whether paid or unpaid. To earn the credit, the assessment should find that you have the knowledge and skills to make you competent in the qualification you want. RPL may be granted for an aspect of a qualification where a Statement of Attainment may be issued to the awarded Units of Competency or for an entire qualification.

Reputable schools will let you know if you can apply for RPL. That said, they are also obligated to support you throughout the RPL assessment by informing you and helping you obtain the evidence to support your prior experience.

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