
Veterans and the VET Sector

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VET Sector

Being in the military is one of the greatest honours a person will ever feel.  Ask a currently serving military member or a veteran.

Serving and protecting your country is a stressful job, especially when you are trained for combat and deployments are constant.

While deployed the possibility of death is constant, but failing your mate/battle buddy is your number one priority.

After completing your duty to your country and achieving your goals within the military what’s next?

Considering life after service is the next major issue facing today’s veteran community, not just in Australia and in New Zealand, but amongst our allied partners as well.

For veterans the questions are many. What formal civilian qualifications do I have when I discharge? Who will take care of me and help me transition?

The State Government has been hiring former Australian Defense Force members to work in its offices. However, these service personnel are often avoided by employers due to their belief that veterans “are damaged” and cannot be trusted with sensitive information or equipment needed for security reasons. This withholding of military experience on resumes/job interviews creates an unnecessary obstacle between them finding employment opportunities after returning home from active duty life as well as being turned down when applying at many reputable companies simply because they do not want anything associated
with guns—even though this is no longer required under law!

Veteran Alex Cheeseman considers himself fortunate compared to his fellow veterans.  After serving as an artillery officer with the army tours of Iraq and Afghanistan, the former serviceman possesses no physical scars or reminders of a battleship and has a good health condition.

But like the others, re-entering civilian life and manifesting its everyday life became a challenge for him.

Mr Cheeseman was then deployed to another warzone and this time, he was to fight against the stereotype that soldiers can’t do anything other than hold guns and shoot.

He fought and struggled against this misconception and finally landed to a job that he loves – being a management consultant, considering the fact that his employer is a former ADF veteran as well.

Like Mr. Cheeseman, so many veterans are still fighting this kind of stereotype by uninformed people in the community who fail or know no better.

Veterans skills and knowledge can be transferred to civilian qualifications and are generally a benefit to a workplace due to the discipline and dedication that a veteran brings.

As a company 3CIR offers a way back to the civilian life for current serving members and veterans. 3CIR exists to assist people to get qualified through Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), skills and expertise recognition.

3CIR has a dedicated team of ex-military personnel helping fellow veterans and people looking to gain knowledge of industry experience from Australia, New Zealand, India and China.

Our company offers formal qualifications ranging from Certificates 2-4, Diplomas, Advanced Diplomas, Graduate Certificate and Graduate Diplomas.  Online E- courses focus on best qualifications and training in the industry.

It is our sworn promise as we help those to march into civilian life with our battle cry “Veterans taking care of veterans!”

To help and make sure that current serving and veterans are taken care of the best way possible, this organization offers a lifetime 20% off RPL courses (check for courses available).  We highly regard the veteran sector with respect and acknowledgement to their skills inside and outside the warzone.

A warzone is reserved for people dedicated to pursue war and protect barriers but in reality, these protectors need someone to protect them too.

At least respect and acknowledge their skills and abilities and not someone who’ll judge the dark and chaotic places they’ve been to.

3CIR is here to help everyone re-entering civilian life, protect their honour and help them get in track on civilian life.

To see what courses we have on offer please check out our courses page at https://www.3cir.com/services/courses/.

(https://thewest.com.au/news/australia/former-soldiers-struggle-to-find-jobs-in-civilian-life-ng-ya-104056 )

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