
Five Tips for A Swift RPL Assessment

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Five Tips for A Swift RPL Assessment

RPL Assessment

Studying takes time, and time (as we all know) is money. While many believe gaining formal qualifications means spending hours hitting the books instead of working on the job, it is simply not the case. If you want to obtain a qualification that fits an industry in which you already have experience, then Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is for you.

RPL is a process that credits your professional experience and converts it into nationally recognised qualifications. If you qualify, you can be on your way to earning a certification quicker and cheaper than traditional study.

At 3CIR, the process begins with a Free RPL Assessment. Your non-formal and formal learning will be assessed to determine which qualifications you can already obtain with your current experience and which ones you can earn through reduced study time.

The Australian Qualifications Framework has enabled individuals with industry experience and knowledge to earn their qualifications quickly. The training period can be reduced from years to weeks, especially if you already hold extensive skills in your field of interest or expertise relevant to RPL assessments. It is possible to ensure a swift assessment period. Here are tips that can help:

  1. Make sure that your experience matches a specific course’s learning outcomes.
  2. Complete and submit our free RPL assessment form with as much documentation or evidence to support and prove your experience. Wait for the assessment team to verify your experience.
  3. Get to know the qualifications you are applying for so you can make an informed decision about which ones are appropriate for your needs or career goals.
  4. Know the fees you must pay for the qualifications you want to receive so that you can prepare your budget for it.
  5. Ensure you have provided the assessment team with the right postal and email addresses so that they can promptly send you the nationally recognised qualifications.

RPL is a gateway to broadening or advancing your career prospects without spending years studying. If you have any questions about the process, our team are happy to help. Call 1300 517 039 or email [email protected] for more information.

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