
Advanced Diploma of Program Management

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Advanced Diploma of Program Management | 3CIR

Advanced Diploma of Program Management

One of our more popular courses for RPLs and servicemen and women starting a new career after military service is the BSB61218 Advanced Diploma of Program Management. This course is fantastic as it demonstrates employers’ business skills through team leadership and planning—two strong skills developed through military service.

You have many career opportunities with this qualification, including:

Employers are looking for various skills, including technical and specialist skills. Program management involves directing a suit of projects (a program) to achieve an organisation’s objective(s). This qualification provides evidence of leadership skills.

During this course, we focus on your ability to lead a team, translate military terms and ideas into civilian jargon and develop human resource skills. You will also learn how to use innovative strategies that effectively solve problems within an organization while directing other employees towards their goals, all done through planning out programs from start to finish with plenty enough room for creativity along the way!

If you would like to learn more about this course and the RPL process – you can read more online: https://www.3cir.com/course/bsb61218-advanced-diploma-program-management/

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