
Police RPL Opportunities for Police in Australia and New Zealand

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Police RPL

Police RPL Opportunities

As a partner to respected RTO Asset Training Australia (RTO #31718), 3CIR specialises in recognising prior learning (RPL). Our goal is to help people who have gained skills from jobs, emergency services, or military experience get the certifications they deserve for those skills. We focus on offering police RPL opportunities, among other things.

Why We Do Police RPL

3CIR has always said that no one truly recognises the level of skill and knowledge military personnel pick up while serving their countries. Someone who has served in Australian or New Zealand Defence does more than spend a few years defending safety for the nation; they also learn leadership, risk management, security systems, technology logistics–and so much more!

One of the reasons we started 3CIR was to encourage the recognition of those skills. Built by ex-military personnel, our business wanted to help other current and ex-military members get the credit they deserve for all the learning and skill-building that military training and experience provides. Employers rarely recognise these skills, and sometimes veterans don’t recognise them either. Our goal was to bring recognition to the forefront with high-quality military RPL opportunities for ex-military personnel.

Today, we offer police RPL opportunities as well, simply because police experience is comparable to military proficiency in many ways. Police officers also build risk management, security, emergency management skills and more. Recognition of prior learning makes it possible for experienced police personnel to apply these skills to other careers and opportunities.

If you desire to leave the policing field and pursue a different career, harnessing the skills you gained as an officer is likely your best bet at finding a challenging, fulfilling, and high-paying career. The idea of police RPL is that if those skills are already there, you should use them.

Learn More About Your RPL Possibilities with 3CIR

What you qualify for regarding police RPL will depend on a few factors. What you did as part of the police force, how long you served, what types of training you went through and what kind of career you are interested in are all things that will impact your path forward.

Navigating a career shift of this ilk can be daunting at first—even with RPL making things a bit easier. Luckily, 3CIR is here to help. We can assess your work history, experience, and goals and help you formulate the best RPL plan.

As a first step, we recommend that all individuals seeking RPL for police experience fill out our FREE RPL Assessment Form, which you can find here. The form will help us determine where you stand and what the next steps should be for you. If you have other specific questions that you’d like to ask, or if you’d like to speak to one of our associates before filling out the assessment form, you can call us on 1300517039 at any time.

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