
Equip Yourself with A Cert 4 Work Health and Safety

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Cert 4 Work Health and Safety | 3CIR

Cert 4 Work Health and Safety

If you’re interested in exploring a career as one of the professionals working to keep us safe, healthy and productive at work, then it’s time for an advanced qualification. The Work Health Safety (WHS) cert will set your skills apart from others who don’t have this level of breakthrough knowledge that is vital these days—especially with changing public sector requirements!

A Cert 4 Work Health and Safety will also equip you with the necessary skills and knowledge that you will need to perform a supervisory role effectively and efficiently. The following are some of the topics and competencies covered in the course.

Understanding WHSMS

Work Health and Safety Management Systems (WHSMS) provide the framework that allows WHS professionals or the management to ensure the safety and protection of employees. It pertains to the set of policies, procedures, and plans to systematically manage health and safety at work and cases of injuries and illnesses. In this course, you will gain skills to contribute to the development, implementation, and evaluation of WHSMS.

Developing communication skills

Most of your job as a WHS professional is to ensure people’s safety. To do that, you must communicate the legislation, policies, and procedures so people can follow them accordingly. You need to actively promote and remind everyone about health and safety in various situations using different tools and strategies. This is why enhancing your communication skills is a must. In this course, you will work on your written and oral communication.

Managing return to work programs of your organisation

Aside from avoiding and minimising workplace injuries, a WHS officer facilitates an injured worker’s return to work. A Cert 4 Work Health and Safety course involves learning about legislative requirements, such as workers’ compensation and claims management laws. It also teaches you how to design return-to-work programs and liaise or coordinate with medical professionals.

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